March 15 National Holiday in Hungary to Be 'Prelude to Patriotic Fight', Declares Newly Re-Elected Opposition Leader Gyurcsany
- 3 Feb 2025 9:34 AM

Gyurcsany was re-elected by the congress as the party's chairman, and Csaba Molnar as deputy chairman, the party said on Sunday.
"March 15 is about our shared homeland, the republic, and patriotic duties, and it does not belong to one or another party; it belongs to the patriotic opposition, the democrats, that are in opposition to Prime Minister Viktor Orban," Gyurcsany said. He added that "each representative of the opposition" had the duty "to find ways to others ... and there is no room on this side for any kind of partizanship".
Gyurcsany said his party would build "a world in which it is not your prosperity that determines if you are a good person but whether you respect and love your homeland and if you can be a good citizen of it."
"We need to save post offices in rural areas and bankomats, the traditional world, which is the only world hundreds of thousands and millions of people can live in," he added.
Meanwhile, Gyurcsany said US President Donald Trump was "the embodiment of a new evil". "You can try and change the world by force, but it will have a huge price ... that price is always paid by the multitude of people and those in power will survive," Gyurcsany said.
"You can say Greenland is mine, Panama is mine, we are the great state for central Europe's future, Ukraine is mine and Taiwan is mine again, but it will lead to toppling a world order that has been able to create relative calm in the world for a few decades," he said.
Gyurcsany also added that Prime Minister Viktor Orban "will deliver the country behind world powers that see strength rather than partnership as the key to the future."
DK represents voters that think that Russia's war against Ukraine "is a murderous war", voters that desire a strong Europe, a rule of law and a democratic republic, voters that think that "there is something wrong with the voting rights of people beyond the border", and who oppose "political Catholicism", Gyurcsany said.
MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.
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