New Big Money Programme To Support SMEs Rehiring Laid Off Workers in Hungary

  • 21 Jan 2025 2:50 PM
New Big Money Programme To Support SMEs Rehiring Laid Off Workers in Hungary
The government is launching a new HUF 1.5bn programme to support SMEs rehiring employees that were laid off at other companies, Sandor Czomba, the state secretary for employment policy said.

The "From work to work" scheme targets micro, small and mid-sized businesses that pledge to increase their headcount by taking over a group of 5 to 20 employees laid off by the same employer and to employ the hired employees for eight months.

The target group of the programme is employees aged 15-64 who lost their jobs with the same employer in the 3 months prior to the applications submission.

Applying businesses can receive a little over HUF 54m of funding, but no more than HUF 339,000 per month per employee for full-time employees. Applications are open until July 31, 2025.

MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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