New Police Unit Fighting Drug Crime Launched in Hungary - 'Prison for Dealers' Policy

  • 5 Feb 2025 11:25 AM
New Police Unit Fighting Drug Crime Launched in Hungary - 'Prison for Dealers' Policy
"The place for drug dealers is in prison," the state secretary of the interior ministry told public television on Tuesday in connection with the establishment of a new police unit fighting drug crime.

Bence Retvari said the unit set up on Jan 1 has a staff of 150 to investigate criminal activities, in addition to an active group of 60 officers tasked with clamping down on drugs distribution networks.

He said Hungary's conservative drugs policy aimed at preventing and terminate all drug consumption.

Meanwhile, in an interview to public radio, Retvari noted that the operative basis of the new drug-fighting team is similar to an investigative team was set up a few years ago to fight online scams. As well as a Budapest unit, there are 6 units outside the capital.

He criticised Budapest city leaders for their reluctance to take action against drugs crime, adding that the city government's drugs strategy involved helping drug use under regulated conditions, with "shoot-up rooms" and drugs testing centres.

 "It is utter nonsense for the city to help drug use instead of taking action against it..." Retvari said.

So far drugs with a street value of 150 million forints (EUR 370,000) have been seized, he added.

MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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