Hospital for Homeless in Budapest Taken Over by City Hall

  • 18 Feb 2025 5:53 AM
Hospital for Homeless in Budapest Taken Over by City Hall
The Budapest metropolitan administration has taken possession of the Szabolcs Street Hospital that provides care for homeless people, Gergely Karacsony, the city's mayor said.

"Budapest has protected and continues to provide health care to the most vulnerable; now as the owner of the hospital," Karacsony said on Facebook.

The hospital has 50 beds for chronic cases of internal medicine and 23 beds in a care department, as well as a GP's surgery, he said. "This makes it even more outrageous that the government had wanted to evict the hospital during the coronavirus pandemic without assigning another place for it."

"Budapest remains a humane city where we fight homelessness rather than the homeless," he said.

MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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