New Daily Direct Flight Connecting Budapest & Mumbai to be Launched by Hungarian Low-Cost Airline

  • 19 Mar 2025 7:20 AM
New Daily Direct Flight Connecting Budapest & Mumbai to be Launched by Hungarian Low-Cost Airline
Hungarian low-fare carrier Wizz Air will launch a direct, daily flight connecting Budapest and Mumbai before year-end, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijárto said in New Delhi.

In a statement issued by his ministry, Szijjarto said the launch of a direct flight between Budapest and New Delhi could follow, adding that the first step toward making the necessary changes to a bilateral aviation agreement had been taken.

After talks with a number of ministers in the Indian government, he said the lack of a direct flight connecting Hungary and India was a significant obstacle to advancing bilateral trade and economic cooperation. A direct flight could give new impetus to business, education, diplomatic and tourism ties, he added.

Szijjarto said Hungary and India had established "outstanding cooperation" based on mutual respect, producing big economic benefits.

Indian-owned companies employ tens of thousands of people in Hungary and have expanded their local activities from manufacturing to R+D, he added.

Bilateral trade between Hungary and India will reach around USD 1.5bn in 2025, a new record, he said.

Hungarian companies, such as soft drink maker Hell Energy and defence and space industry company BHE Bonn Hungary, already have a presence in India, as do a number of Hungarian companies in the healthcare industry, he added.

MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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