Renovation & Expansion of Budapest Keleti, Nyugati, Déli & Kelenföld Train Stations Ahead

  • 17 Mar 2025 1:30 PM
Renovation & Expansion of Budapest Keleti, Nyugati, Déli & Kelenföld Train Stations Ahead
Renovation works and the expansion of the Budapest Keleti, Nyugati, Deli and Kelenfold train stations as well as those in Debrecen, Gyor and Szeged could start next year, state-owned railway company MAV said.

Separate business companies will be established for the renovation works of the seven major stations. These will call and manage tender procedures, and then establish joint companies with the winning bidders, MAV said. It noted that external investors can only acquire shares in these joint ventures and will not have access to state assets.

MAV said the winners of the tenders will be announced later this year.

The Construction and Transportation Ministry and MAV said new tenders will be called because there is more intent and capabilities for developments than that which could have been channeled as part of the previous tender process.

MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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