Women's Societies in Budapest

The International Women’s Club (IWC)
The International Women’s Club Budapest is a non-profit, charitable organization founded in 1981 by a group of enterprising women from the international and diplomatic communities of Budapest. It is a truly international club representing over 100 members from more than 40 countries.
The club provides opportunities for women in the international community of Budapest to meet and engage in humanitarian work, social activities, and cultural programs. We also cooperate with other organizations to help connect with women of similar goals, interests and situations. As a truly international club in Budapest, it is our aim to increase our members’ knowledge and understanding of the people and culture of Hungary as well as the culture of fellow IWC members. A secondary focus is to support charitable activities related to healthcare, education, children and women in Hungary.
Please note that as a non-profit, charitable organization founded to support various worthwhile projects, the IWC gladly accepts donations and support from any credible business that does not lead to any political or economic commitment. We do not endorse any business or charity project other than those that are Board-approved. We also provide no free advertising. The IWC maintains a policy of keeping personal data of its members private. Our membership is not provided to anyone for commercial business or private solicitations.
The IWC welcomes Hungarian members and we have a current make-up of 15%. In order to ensure we protect the international character of the Club and in accordance with the Club's bylaws, the IWC will endeavor to reach its 10% quota of Hungarian members through a gradual process. Membership to ladies of (only) Hungarian nationality will be given on a 'First Come First Served Basis' and as needed, a waiting list will be instated. Women of dual nationality are exempt. Out of respect, membership of more than 10 years will also be exempt.
Everybody is welcome at our monthly meetings at the Marriott hotel and more can be found about us on our website www.iwcbudapest.hu and on FB.
1065 Budapest, Hajós utca 1. (by AGA's Carpets)
Phone: +36 1 321 4604

The North American Women's Association (NAWA)
The North American Women’s Association (NAWA) of Budapest is dedicated to fostering a sense of community to North Americans and to other members of the Expat community from all over the world who would like to communicate in English. NAWA offers a forum for all members to participate with the local community through events and charitable activities and the opportunity to interact, embrace and learn from the many cultures represented by its membership.
By providing opportunites to connect with others, the association aims to encourage friendship and help members make the most of their stay in Hungary.
Budapest offers innumerable opportunities to engage body and mind. NAWA is here to enrich those experiences.
E-mail address: nawamembership@gmail.com

British Women's Group of Budapest (BWG)
We are a friendly and active expat group of ladies!
If you are a British or Commonwealth citizen (or married/civil partner to one) you can join as a full member and enjoy social events such as coffee mornings, nights out and other special events.
You will receive a monthly eNewsletter as well as be entitled to discounts or special offers on many services.
Our main monthly meeting takes place at the Intercontinental Hotel on the last Friday of each month (from 10am). Refreshments are included at this meeting, as is a children’s corner with child-minder and toys, we also regularly have vendors selling handcrafted and / or British products.
E-mail us for more details: bwgbudapest@outlook.com

Professional Women's Association of Budapest
Supports women of all nationalities involved in business, trade, service, government, the arts, sports and other professions.