Beauty Salons in Budapest

Perényi Luxury Beauty Center
"Our highly qualified and English speaker colleagues work with premium products, personalized prices and provide high quality service in the Perényi Salon.
We offer a friendly and warm atmosphere the heart of the city. Looking forward to having you in our hairdresser and beauty salons."
1037 Budapest, Bécsi út 52. / Parking: Kecske köz 19
Phone: +36 30 725 71 02

Wellmed Beauty & Medical Spa
Where Far East philosophy enhances the Science of Beauty
Hungary’s first integrated Beauty & Medical Spa based on principals of Traditional Chinese Medicine and practiced with highly qualified professionals using cutting edge aesthetic technology.
1022 Budapest, Ribáry u.11. (Marczibányi tér)
Phone: +36 30 516 0011