Beáta Kalamár, 'Transformational Coach'
- 17 Feb 2023 2:05 PM

Her role as a coach is to help leaders achieve their business goals and results and help them improve their creativity, agility, resilience, and confidence.
1. How would you introduce yourself in 1 sentence?
I am a Leadership Expert, Executive Coach, and Author who provides unique, personalized, and invaluable support to leaders in tackling a wide scale of complex challenges and uncertainties in today’s global business market.
2. What is your book about, and who would you recommend it to?
CRAFT Leadership is designed to develop more high-quality leaders with strong inner stability and future-proofness. ‘Sharpening the REAL LEADER in you’ is the motto of my book not only means connecting and reconnecting to their REAL self as a leader but also means continuously developing and creating a shift in the 5 CRAFT Leadership qualities: CREATIVITY, RESILIENCE, AGILITY, FOCUS, and TRUST.
The book is for experienced senior leaders who need to sharpen the REAL LEADER in them, for junior leaders or managers who want to become a leader and step up their game, and for young people who are starting out but already know they want to be future leaders.
3. If someone is interested in your book, where can they get it?
They can get it from Pallas Athéné Books in Hungary and Amazon abroad. From my webpage, they can be easily and quickly accessed.
4. What other books would you recommend reading?
Oh, this is hard for me because I am a book lover. Therefore, I have a particular library on my webpage where I share with people what kind of books I read. I recommend any of them for different purposes.
5. Are there any typical and recurring problems with your Hungarian clients and non-Hungarian clients?
If I had to highlight the three most important, they would be these:
1. How to prepare themselves and their organization/teams for the future.
2. How to set priorities right and keep focused on themselves and their organization/teams under such a turbulent and volatile business environment.
3. How to become resilient and build a resilient and sustainable organization/team today.
6. What can you do to help the leaders you work with?
I work with leaders primarily one-to-one executive coaching and mentoring and support them to successfully tackle the complex challenges of today’s business environment and deliver mandates of 1) delivering results, 2) preparing their organization for the future, 3) responding proactively to constant changes in the market and 4) leading their organization through crises. In addition to that, I work with leadership teams as well.
7. Which achievement in your life are you most pleased about?
First and utmost, my beautiful and talented daughter. And, of course, all the successes of my executive clients make me successful as well.
8. What career other than yours would you love to pursue?
It is hard to answer this question because I truly believe and practice it as well that in order to be happy and successful, you need to pursue a career that you are passionate about and talented in. I love what I do.
9. What's a job you would definitely never want?
Where I could not fulfill my needs for creativity and supporting others.
10. If you could be an expat anywhere in the world, where would you choose?
I would love to be a digital nomad and live in many places for a short time to learn about the culture and make friends. The list would be extended.
11. What would you miss most if you moved away from Hungary?
My family, my friends, and the cultural heritage of being Hungarian.
12. Friends are in Budapest for a weekend – what must they absolutely see and do?
Oh, it is easy - the magnificent building of the Hungarian Parliament and the permanent collection of the Museum of Fine Arts.
13. What is your favorite place in Hungary?
Békésszentandrás, at ox-bow of river Körös
14. What was the most challenging learning curve in your life?
Recently it has been writing my book titled CRAFT Leadership. It was a huge project which required discipline and hard work. This goal excited me and scared me at the same time. I had to slice up the mammoth and find motivation in each step. And, of course, I had a mentor to accompany me through this journey.
15. What would you like to learn next?
I have already started, although I am at the very beginning of studying the mind, particularly how you can change and control your mindset. This is a vast topic I am very fascinated about now.
16. Apart from temptation, what can’t you resist?
Pizza, regency romance novels, and chocolate – complete switching off.
17. What movie would you recommend watching?
Crazy, Stupid, Love, and Far from the Madding Crowd
18. Morning person or night person?
Morning person
19. Which social issue do you feel most strongly about?
Being a mother supporting causes related to children’s health is essential to me.
20. What would you say is your personal motto?
Now: May the CRAFT be with you!