884 result(s) for budget bill
Hungarian Ministry To Launch HUF 870 m Tender For Solar Collector Developments
- 7 Aug 2013 11:00 AM
- current affairs
The Ministry of National Development calls for tenders to install solar energy systems in buildings managed by residential public institutions as of 5 August 2013. The support may cover up to 100 percent of eligible historical costs. Financed from quota revenues, the total tender amount is HUF 867.2 million.
Xpat Opinion: How Much Is How Much When It Comes To Teachers’ Salaries In Hungary
- 24 Jul 2013 8:00 AM
- current affairs
As we know only too well, teachers’ salaries are extremely low in Hungary and teachers haven’t had a raise since the 2008 financial crisis. Given the fairly high inflation rate, at least until recently, the already very low living standards of teachers have further deteriorated in the last five years.
Hungary Aims To Become One Of Europe's Production Centres
- 19 Jul 2013 9:00 AM
- business
State Secretary for External Economic Relations and Foreign Affairs Péter Szijjártó declared that Hungary is aiming to become one of the production centres of Europe so that it can be in the strongest position possible following the crisis. According to the State Secretary, this goal was served by the Government’s economic policy measures, and this is why measures have been implemented to restore ...
Hungary's PM Addressed Annual Ambassadors’ Meeting
- 17 Jul 2013 9:00 AM
- current affairs
Hungary has a vested interest in seeing the success of the Eurozone, as we are linked to the bloc in many ways, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said, addressing the annual meeting of ambassadors in Budapest on Tuesday.
Public Money Spent On Dangerous And Hardly Usable Bicycle Roads In Budapest
- 12 Jul 2013 1:00 AM
- getting around
Several bicycle roads have been built from a 50 billion HUF (~170 million EUR) EU budget – but some of them are unusable. After a few months of secrecy, the National Development Agency published a report about bicycle road development between 2007 – 2013 in Hungary. In summary, there were 773 partly or entirely bicycling-related projects, which resulted in 1670 km bicycle roads or other related ...
Xpat Opinion: The Hungarian Economy As Reflected In The World Bank’s 2012 GNI Per Capita Figures
- 9 Jul 2013 5:00 AM
- business
Each year on July 1 the World Bank revises its classification of the world’s economies based on estimates of gross national income (GNI) per capita for the previous year. The current income classifications by GNI per capita are as follows: low income = $1,035 or less; lower middle income = $1,036 to $4,085; upper middle income = $4,086 to $12,615; and high income = $12,616 or more.
Xpat Opinion: Kim Lane Scheppele: In Praise Of The Tavares Report About Hungary
- 5 Jul 2013 1:00 AM
- current affairs
Today Europe acted to hold the Hungarian government to the constitutional values that it eagerly endorsed when it joined the European Union nearly a decade ago.
Enikő Győri: Hungary Eill Not Be Forced To Exercise Its Veto
- 4 Jul 2013 9:00 AM
- current affairs
The negative reference to the judiciary’s independence was removed from the country-specific recommendations of the European Union for Hungary and was replaced by a more general statement on strengthening the judiciary, therefore Hungary will not be forced to exercise its right of veto – said MFA Minister of State Enikő Győri at a press meeting in Budapest on 26 June.
HUF 5 Billion Worth Development At Henkel's Körösladány Plant In Hungary
- 4 Jul 2013 9:00 AM
- business
The handover of the new production facility took place on 2 July 2013. Mr Nándor Csepreghy, Deputy State Secretary for Development Projects said that the Government was determined to use 60% of the EU funds available to Hungary during the budget period 2014-2020 for economic development, thus creating as many jobs as possible.
Hungarian Ministry To Launch HUF 870 m Tender For Solar Collector Developments
- 7 Aug 2013 11:00 AM
- current affairs
The Ministry of National Development calls for tenders to install solar energy systems in buildings managed by residential public institutions as of 5 August 2013. The support may cover up to 100 percent of eligible historical costs. Financed from quota revenues, the total tender amount is HUF 867.2 million.
Xpat Opinion: How Much Is How Much When It Comes To Teachers’ Salaries In Hungary
- 24 Jul 2013 8:00 AM
- current affairs
As we know only too well, teachers’ salaries are extremely low in Hungary and teachers haven’t had a raise since the 2008 financial crisis. Given the fairly high inflation rate, at least until recently, the already very low living standards of teachers have further deteriorated in the last five years.
Hungary Aims To Become One Of Europe's Production Centres
- 19 Jul 2013 9:00 AM
- business
State Secretary for External Economic Relations and Foreign Affairs Péter Szijjártó declared that Hungary is aiming to become one of the production centres of Europe so that it can be in the strongest position possible following the crisis. According to the State Secretary, this goal was served by the Government’s economic policy measures, and this is why measures have been implemented to restore ...
Hungary's PM Addressed Annual Ambassadors’ Meeting
- 17 Jul 2013 9:00 AM
- current affairs
Hungary has a vested interest in seeing the success of the Eurozone, as we are linked to the bloc in many ways, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said, addressing the annual meeting of ambassadors in Budapest on Tuesday.
Public Money Spent On Dangerous And Hardly Usable Bicycle Roads In Budapest
- 12 Jul 2013 1:00 AM
- getting around
Several bicycle roads have been built from a 50 billion HUF (~170 million EUR) EU budget – but some of them are unusable. After a few months of secrecy, the National Development Agency published a report about bicycle road development between 2007 – 2013 in Hungary. In summary, there were 773 partly or entirely bicycling-related projects, which resulted in 1670 km bicycle roads or other related ...
Xpat Opinion: The Hungarian Economy As Reflected In The World Bank’s 2012 GNI Per Capita Figures
- 9 Jul 2013 5:00 AM
- business
Each year on July 1 the World Bank revises its classification of the world’s economies based on estimates of gross national income (GNI) per capita for the previous year. The current income classifications by GNI per capita are as follows: low income = $1,035 or less; lower middle income = $1,036 to $4,085; upper middle income = $4,086 to $12,615; and high income = $12,616 or more.
Xpat Opinion: Kim Lane Scheppele: In Praise Of The Tavares Report About Hungary
- 5 Jul 2013 1:00 AM
- current affairs
Today Europe acted to hold the Hungarian government to the constitutional values that it eagerly endorsed when it joined the European Union nearly a decade ago.
Enikő Győri: Hungary Eill Not Be Forced To Exercise Its Veto
- 4 Jul 2013 9:00 AM
- current affairs
The negative reference to the judiciary’s independence was removed from the country-specific recommendations of the European Union for Hungary and was replaced by a more general statement on strengthening the judiciary, therefore Hungary will not be forced to exercise its right of veto – said MFA Minister of State Enikő Győri at a press meeting in Budapest on 26 June.
HUF 5 Billion Worth Development At Henkel's Körösladány Plant In Hungary
- 4 Jul 2013 9:00 AM
- business
The handover of the new production facility took place on 2 July 2013. Mr Nándor Csepreghy, Deputy State Secretary for Development Projects said that the Government was determined to use 60% of the EU funds available to Hungary during the budget period 2014-2020 for economic development, thus creating as many jobs as possible.