123 result(s) for guest worker
HUF 20 Billion Scheme Launched to Build Accommodation for Labourers in Hungary
- 8 Dec 2023 10:31 AM
- hungarymatters.hu
- property
The government is launching a 20 billion forint (EUR 52.6m) scheme to build accommodation for 3,500 labourers. At least half of those places must be assigned to Hungarian employees, Sándor Czomba, the state secretary for employment policy, told public TV broadcaster M1.
Instead of 'Underpaid' Foreign Guest Workers DK Calls on Budapest Leaders to Employ Hungarians
- 30 Nov 2023 6:40 AM
- hungarymatters.hu
- business
The opposition Democratic Coalition (DK) has called on the Budapest city’s leadership to employ Hungarians for “normal wages” instead of “underpaid” foreign guest workers.
Solely Up to Hungarians to Decide Who Can Reside in Hungary, Emphasises Orbán
- 20 Nov 2023 6:42 AM
- hungarymatters.hu
- current affairs
Addressing the Hungarian Permanent Conference in Budapest, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said in connection with migration that it was solely up to Hungarians to decide who can and cannot reside in Hungary and on what terms.
New 'Alien Policing Bill' Tightens Conditions for Foreigners in Hungary
- 17 Nov 2023 8:34 AM
- http://www.hatc.hu
- current affairs
The government has put forward a new comprehensive alien policing bill which tightens the conditions for non-EU foreigners in Hungary, particularly guest workers. The bill stipulates that foreigners may only be hired for a position if no Hungarian takes the job.
Great Read: Xpat Community E-Magazin, 10 November
- 10 Nov 2023 1:45 PM
- specials
The fresh newsletter for the International Community in Hungary - described by readers as a "Great read each week" - is now available for your interest and use via the link below.
Hiring Foreign Guest Workers Harms Economy, Says Budapest Mayor Karácsony
- 8 Nov 2023 7:15 AM
- hungarymatters.hu
- business
Employing guest workers through hiring companies will negatively impact the labour market in the long run, the mayor of Budapest said on Tuesday, adding that the city of Budapest will not allow such practices for its own companies
Expats in Budapest Proliferating: Census Shows 25% of 6th District Residents in Capital Are Foreign Nationals
- 12 Oct 2023 3:56 PM
- http://www.hatc.hu
- community & culture
In light of census data showing that 25% of Sixth District residents are foreign nationals and that nearly 20% of the children attending kindergartens and schools in Terézváros are non-Hungarian, the local council has published a special issue of its local newspaper in English.
Anti-Migrant Campaign Scuppers Guest Workers Law in Hungary
- 10 Oct 2023 11:57 AM
- http://www.hatc.hu
- current affairs
The government will repeal legislation due to take effect on November 1 on easing regulations on guest workers because its anti-migrant campaign has been too successful in stirring up suspicion of foreigners, a government source told news website 24.
Labour Law in Hungary to Tighten: 'Companies Must Try to Fill All Jobs with Hungarians, Can Only Employ Foreigners if That is Not Possible'
- 9 Oct 2023 5:28 AM
- hungarymatters.hu
- business
The government is drafting legislation to further tighten regulations on immigration and labour of third-country citizens, the economic development ministry said.
HUF 20 Billion Scheme Launched to Build Accommodation for Labourers in Hungary
- 8 Dec 2023 10:31 AM
- hungarymatters.hu
- property
The government is launching a 20 billion forint (EUR 52.6m) scheme to build accommodation for 3,500 labourers. At least half of those places must be assigned to Hungarian employees, Sándor Czomba, the state secretary for employment policy, told public TV broadcaster M1.
Instead of 'Underpaid' Foreign Guest Workers DK Calls on Budapest Leaders to Employ Hungarians
- 30 Nov 2023 6:40 AM
- hungarymatters.hu
- business
The opposition Democratic Coalition (DK) has called on the Budapest city’s leadership to employ Hungarians for “normal wages” instead of “underpaid” foreign guest workers.
Solely Up to Hungarians to Decide Who Can Reside in Hungary, Emphasises Orbán
- 20 Nov 2023 6:42 AM
- hungarymatters.hu
- current affairs
Addressing the Hungarian Permanent Conference in Budapest, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said in connection with migration that it was solely up to Hungarians to decide who can and cannot reside in Hungary and on what terms.
New 'Alien Policing Bill' Tightens Conditions for Foreigners in Hungary
- 17 Nov 2023 8:34 AM
- http://www.hatc.hu
- current affairs
The government has put forward a new comprehensive alien policing bill which tightens the conditions for non-EU foreigners in Hungary, particularly guest workers. The bill stipulates that foreigners may only be hired for a position if no Hungarian takes the job.
Great Read: Xpat Community E-Magazin, 10 November
- 10 Nov 2023 1:45 PM
- specials
The fresh newsletter for the International Community in Hungary - described by readers as a "Great read each week" - is now available for your interest and use via the link below.
Hiring Foreign Guest Workers Harms Economy, Says Budapest Mayor Karácsony
- 8 Nov 2023 7:15 AM
- hungarymatters.hu
- business
Employing guest workers through hiring companies will negatively impact the labour market in the long run, the mayor of Budapest said on Tuesday, adding that the city of Budapest will not allow such practices for its own companies
Expats in Budapest Proliferating: Census Shows 25% of 6th District Residents in Capital Are Foreign Nationals
- 12 Oct 2023 3:56 PM
- http://www.hatc.hu
- community & culture
In light of census data showing that 25% of Sixth District residents are foreign nationals and that nearly 20% of the children attending kindergartens and schools in Terézváros are non-Hungarian, the local council has published a special issue of its local newspaper in English.
Anti-Migrant Campaign Scuppers Guest Workers Law in Hungary
- 10 Oct 2023 11:57 AM
- http://www.hatc.hu
- current affairs
The government will repeal legislation due to take effect on November 1 on easing regulations on guest workers because its anti-migrant campaign has been too successful in stirring up suspicion of foreigners, a government source told news website 24.
Labour Law in Hungary to Tighten: 'Companies Must Try to Fill All Jobs with Hungarians, Can Only Employ Foreigners if That is Not Possible'
- 9 Oct 2023 5:28 AM
- hungarymatters.hu
- business
The government is drafting legislation to further tighten regulations on immigration and labour of third-country citizens, the economic development ministry said.