New Candidates For Mayor Of Budapest Officially Registered

  • 3 Sep 2010 3:00 AM
New Candidates For Mayor Of Budapest Officially Registered
"Only Fidesz’s István Tarlós and Socialist Csaba Horváth have officially registered as candidates for mayor of Budapest ahead of today’s 4 p.m. deadline.

The Budapest Election Commission registered Tarlós yesterday with 96,620 valid nomination slips out of over 100,000 collected. Horváth registered earlier this week with more than 36,500 valid forms.

Candidates require 28,150 valid nominations to be registered.

Across Hungary 50,000 candidates will run for local office in 3,200 communities. The 13 official national minorities in Hungary will also elect representatives on October 3.

Nomination slips may be collected until 4 p.m. today.

This election will be the first in which the ban on campaigning will be shortened and be in effect only on election day."

Source: Hungary Around the Clock.

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