Hungary – Romania Best Neighbours?

  • 22 Oct 2010 1:00 AM
Hungary – Romania Best Neighbours?
The President of Hungary believes Hungary has never been in a better relationship than it currently is with neighbouring Romania, where some 2 million Hungarians live in a minority. President Pal Schmitt made the coments following a meeting with Romanian President Traian Basescu on Tuesday.

Romania is said to be piggy-back riding the Hungarian presidency of the European Union in 2011. Hungary has reportedly pledged to help Romania join the troublesome EU’s Schengen agreement, and allow the freedom of movement for all Romanian citizens within the European Union.

One of the major issues on the agenda between the two presidents was the topic of the treatment of minorities in both countries.

The Hungarian president requested Hungarians, living in Romania, to behave like proper Romanian citizens and abide to all Romanian laws without question and in turn they would enjoy the rights that come with being a minority in Romania.

By Tamas S. Kiss, published on with the permission of

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