Red Sludge: Eight Dead, Will Heads Roll In Hungary?

  • 13 Oct 2010 8:55 AM
Red Sludge: Eight Dead, Will Heads Roll In Hungary?
So far an aluminum toxic sludge spill has claimed the lives of eight people in Hungary, according to authorities reports. The body of the eighth victim of the water poisoning was found near the town of Devecser (Western Hungary). Government officials said that the poison was allegedly caused by neglect at the Hungarian Aluminium Co (MAL), where a sludge reservoir had burst a week earlier, pouring mass amounts of toxic waste-sludge into Europe’s biggest river, The Danube. Police have confirmed that some senior executives, reportedly suspected of mismanagement at MAL have been taken into custody for questioning.

The Hungarian Priminister Viktor Orban, held a minute of silence in Parliament in honor of those who died due to the spill. He threatened the government could possibly confiscate the assests of the multi-million private aluminium company and take over its management, via an appointed state commissioner.

He suggested that the government concentrate on restoration, making MAL pay damages to victims of the catastrophe, while maintaining jobs and restarting production at the MAL plant, which caused the problem. Orban said that all risks must be assessed before MAL can continue production at the site.

He also promissed that heads will roll, when those responsible for the ecological disaster have been identified. The share price of MAL has dropped considerably, experts said. The wall of MAL’s sludge reservoir near the town of Ajka (Western Hungary) burst after some heavy rainfall in the region.

The sludge reportedly flooded neighboring villages, injuring nearly 200 people and causing serious damages to some 300 homes. Authorities have evacuated everal villages and announced a state of emergency as they say the worst is not over yet.

MAL CEO Zoltan Bakonyi, claims that MAL had been in line with requirements before the disaster and vowed to clamp down on all who stepped out of line.

Charity organizations in Hungary are now distributing food and blankets to victims of the toxic spill.

By Tamas S. Kiss, published on with the permission of

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