Fully Booked: Xpat Charity Event 'Guy Fawkes* Bonfire Party'
- 7 Nov 2010 12:00 AM

Also a few fireworks and a some nice surprises will all add up to make this a worthwhile social networking event for charity to celebrate the 10th anniversary of XpatLoop.com - Remember, remember it's a feel good Guy Fawkes event as we'll all be supporting the Smiling Hospital Foundation.
Main sponsor: REED Specialist Recruitment, to see photos from last year click here.
Venue & Bonfire Night Menu Sponsored By: Hotel InterContinental Budapest
Including a 5* selection of: Winter Warmer Vegetable Soup, Mini Meat Pies, Fish + Chips, Chicken in BBQ Sauce, Various Salads, Hot Dogs & Beef Burgers with Fried Onions, Home-made Fresh Bread, Ginger Biscuits, Selection of Mini-Desserts and more.
Fine Wine Tasting By: Szent Gaál - Award Winning Hungarian Castle Winery in Szekszárd and also from Tokaj Wine Tours.
Whisky Tasting By: WhiskyNet - store in Budapest (Veres Pálné u. 8.), with more than 500 whisky brands.
Auction Prizes Include: Gift from Swiss Ambassador to Hungary, Catherine Dickens's Vineyard Cottages weekend stay, Gift from Egyptian Ambassador to Hungary, Gift from the Ambassador of Argentina, Art for two months from HangArt, Gift from Canadian Embassy in Hungary,Golf lessons from Damian McPherson the Pro at Tata Golf Club, 'Exclusive Ferrari Driving Package' from Meglepkek.com, 2 bottles of Whiskey from Whiskynet Kft
Raffle Prizes Include: KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Fox Autorent, InterContinental Hotel Budapest, Holmes Place, Dr. Rose Private Hospital, PlayStation Move Starter Pack, Wilkinson’s Sausage, Szent Gaál Castle Winery, FirstMed, Caledonia Bar, Fun Palace Party Pub, Pagony Kozert Online Shop, Legends Bar, English Learning Centre Budapest, Merlin Theater Budapest, Jasmin Organic Harmony Studio, Brody House, David Copp Wine Book, The British Pantry, DramaWorks Theatre School, Simon Saunders Personal Training, Arriba Taqueria, Iguana Restaurant, CinemaCity, Treehugger Dans, Adam LeBor signed books, Sony Camera, and more. In case you would like to donate a raffle prize please click here.
Live Music & Entertainment: The Rorschach Band, Random Chocolates, Latest PlayStation 'Move' Games.
Event Supporters: Baby Blue Banana, ProHome, KFP - Five Star Conference Service.
Fee: Free, however donations gratefully accepted at the door for the Smiling Hospital Foundation, HUF 5000 suggested per guest upon entry. For the third consecutive year we're supporting this worthy cause, please give generously as your support is really appreciated by local children in Hungarian hospitals.
Special gift: every guest will receive a free voucher worth HUF 26.900 for a complimentary portrait photo shoot and framed picture thanks to madeinart.hu
Where: InterContinental Budapest Hotel, Apáczai Csere János utca 12-14.
When: 5 November 2010, main event starts at 6.30pm until 9pm. Opportunity to join-in after dinner from 9pm, conditions apply, see RSVP below for more details.
Timing: Arrivals and welcome drinks from 6.30pm, Welcome address at 7pm, Fireworks display film at 8pm - followed by live auction and name card draw - performance by Randon Chocolates from 9pm, event closes at 11pm. Guests are advised to arrive on time to be able to enjoy the full buffet dinner.
Dress code: smart casual
Guests of Honour will include: Countess Éva Csáky Bornemisza; the Dutch Ambassador to Hungary; the Egyptian Ambassador to Hungary; Colonel Evan Roelofs the Military Attaché at the American Embassy Budapest; Mrs Suzanne Bubic the Senior Trade Commissioner at the Canadian Embassy in Budapest; and Jamie Banks the Head of Trade & Investment at British Embassy in Budapest, to name just a few.
RSVP: Only those on the confirmed guest list will be able to participate. Guests wishing to arrive at 9pm to just enjoy the special live music performance may do so by clicking her to register attendance from 9pm. For clarity, please follow the first link in this section for the full event which starts at 6.30pm, or follow the second link just for the live music after dinner from 9pm. (Email info(at)xpatloop.com for more information, of course just change (at) to @ in that email address)
Click here to see a video from this event last year.
Finally for now, here's a couple of comments from the same event last year, "Another truly wonderful Xpatloop event,” Patrick McMenamin, Owner, The Calidonia Bar & Restaurant Budapest. "Great spread of food. The night was full of good music, good networking; and good conversation. All for a good cause." Dan Swartz, Treehugger Dan's Bookshop. "It was a wonderful evening!" Botond Melles, Country Manager for Air France - KLM Hungary.
We do hope you can come to share this special occasion together on 5 November 2010.
Yours with kind regards,
Stephen Linfitt
Three Related Links:
XpatLoop Events For Charity In 2009, 2008, 2007
* Guy Fawkes Night is an event celebrated in the UK every year on 5 November.
Traditional Verse: "Remember, remember the Fifth of November, The Gunpowder Treason and Plot, I know of no reason, Why Gunpowder Treason, Should ever be forgot. Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes, t'was his intent, To blow up King and Parliament. Three-score barrels of powder below, To prove old England's overthrow; By God's providence he was catch'd, With a dark lantern and burning match."
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