Journey To Ancient Egypt, Fine Arts Museum Budapest, Until 5 November

  • 4 Nov 2010 12:00 AM
Journey To Ancient Egypt, Fine Arts Museum Budapest, Until 5 November
"This camp, organized to coincide with the autumn school break, guides children on a journey through the exciting daily life of ancient Egypt. They can get acquainted with the everyday life of the ancient Egyptians, while in the workshop they can create objects that hark back to the time of the pharaohs.

What was life like in the ancient times? Now you can see it for yourself! You can taste their food, try on their clothes, and learn their magic spells.

During this four-day-long excursion, we will also visit the land of the Egyptian afterlife. You can meet demons and gods during this trip.

If you do not shy away from challenges and otherworldly adventures, you are welcome to join our camp!"

Source: Museum of Fine Arts

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