Hungarian Government Evaluates Own Performance

  • 8 Dec 2010 12:00 AM
Hungarian Government Evaluates Own Performance
Continued support post-election is virtually unheard of in Hungary, according to analysts, but the Government has kept its two-thirds majority fully intact, several recent polls show.

It’s no surprise, according to Government Spokesperson Anna Nagy who on Tuesday said the cabinet’s first “semester” has been characterized by dynamic decision making including 80 decrees, 131 rulings and 70 laws. “The goal was to put the economy back on its feet,” Nagy said, highlighting the corporate tax cut, the Szechenyi card and new employment initiatives.

The latter will include up to 8 months’ tax and social security cuts for companies employing “disadvantaged” workers on a 12 month contract, Junior Minister for Employment Policy Sandor Czomba said. He added that employers can now turn to state employment offices, where up to 10,000 employees are available – supported financially and through training.

By Andras M. Badics, published on with the permission of

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