Hungary’s EU Presidency 2011

  • 28 Dec 2010 9:25 AM
Hungary’s EU Presidency 2011
"From 1 January to 30 June 2011, Hungary takes over the rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union (EU). The Presidency represents a real challenge for any country and this will be the very first time that Hungary will take on this role since joining the EU in May 2004.

Acting as Presidency means that Hungary will be responsible for setting the agenda for and presiding over a series of meetings which will take place in Hungary during this period – primarily in Budapest and Gödöllő. Many of these are high-level meetings – for example a series of Informal Ministerial meetings on a variety of sectoral topics.

For the next few months there will be many UK visitors and delegations coming to Hungary and the British Embassy will be involved in facilitating these. You will be able to follow the details on our website."

Source: British Embassy Budapest

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