Hungary's Klubrádió Wins Court Ruling In 2010 Lawsuit

  • 29 Feb 2012 8:04 AM
Hungary's Klubrádió Wins Court Ruling In 2010 Lawsuit
"The Media Council should have signed a contract with Klubrádió granting the station use of the 92.9 MHz frequency in December 2010, the Metropolitan Court ruled on Tuesday. The station’s current frequency, 95.3 MHz, was awarded to a previously unknown entity in December 2011. Klubrádió’s challenge of that decision is in another court, which is expected to rule on the matter on March 14.

The Metropolitan Court said Tuesday that the Media Authority should have concluded a contract with Klubrádió in December 2010 after it won a tender launched in April of that year. The Court found that the Media Council instead illegally distanced itself from signing a contract.

The Media Council declared the tender invalid, as Klubrádió had a contract for the 95.3 MHz frequency and regulations state that one programme provider may not operate two radio stations in one broadcast zone.

The Media Council said it will await the written explanation of yesterday’s ruling before deciding whether to appeal within the 15-day deadline.

Klubrádió is broadcasting on 95.3 MHz on the basis of a provisional 60-day permit."

Source: Hungary Around the Clock

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