Hungary's PM Viktor Orbán: Europe Stands For Peace
- 27 Mar 2012 9:00 AM
The Prime Minister said that Hungarians are able to turn their horses around, at the last moment, and pull back from the brink of disaster. He also said that for a variety reasons, partly external and partly internal, Hungary has often reached the brink of collapse. This was also the case 2010, when the new Government took over a country in an even worse condition, than Greece and set about restoring Hungary with a very strongly set of reform policies.
Over the last 18 months, the Hungarian Parliament has adopted 360 pieces legislation and the new Constitution, in order that Hungary should be once more a model for others.
Part of the vigorous programme of reform is in the economic sphere, one of the main aims of which is that as many people as possible should work, and that Government debt should decrease.
The Prime Minister thinks that attacks are part of every day life in politics and that those on the Hungarian Government are not surprizing, as it is very rare for a country in Europe to adopt a new Constitution. Nobody is perfect, and in every major criticsm there is at least a scintilla of truth. It is part of the political landscape, that the European Parliament threatens to deprive Hungary of its right to vote, due to the alleged violation of democratic rights. Though the background to this is that the international left is trying to rebuild the left in Hungary, which was devastated in the last election.
The Prime Minister said that for him, Europe stands for peace. If there were no European Union, than there would be no peace on the continent. The lesson of the last century is that peace can be assured among the peoples of the continent by following the principle of live and let live."
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