Invitation: Korean Pianist, Ari Kupsus Gallery Budapest, 12 April

  • 30 Mar 2012 9:00 AM
Invitation: Korean Pianist, Ari  Kupsus Gallery Budapest, 12 April
The Salon Concert Society kindly invites you to the solo recital of London-based Korean pianist and chamber musician Yoon Chung on 12 April at 7 pm at Brody Sandor utca 25 III/27, VIII Budapest - behind the National Museum

Yoon is a young touring artist whose musicality has captivated audiences throughout Europe, Asia and the US.
His performances have been broadcast in France, Japan, Korea and the US.

Yoon frequently travels to Hungary to pursue postgraduate studies under the tutelage of Hungary's most sought-after piano professors, Ferenc Rados.

The entrance fee is 3.200,- Huf including the wine reception after the concert.

The quality wines are sponcored by Sümegi Winery and Mr Zombor Sümegi.

Wines can be purchased at the reception.

The Ari S. Kupsus Salon Concert Society is raising funds for talented Hungarian classical music and fine arts students mainly to support their studies, participation at master classes and at national and international competitions etc."

Source: Ari  Kupsus Gallery

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