Invitation: Easter Festival In Hollókő, 8 - 9 April
- 6 Apr 2012 9:01 AM
Hollókö, the most beautiful gem in the gently rolling Palóc scenery, has been a World Heritage Site since 1987. The embracing slopes of the Cserhát hills have protected the small houses hiding in a valley from the gales of history, so the village has been able to preserve its authentic charm.
8. April 2012.
- Outside Mass
- The local women folk group
- Iglice folk dance group
- Katalin Szvorák folk singer
- Palóc folk dance group
- Varsány folk dance group
- Rezeda folk dance group
- Folk group from Siklód
- Holdviola
- Dűvő
- Dancing with the visitors
9. April 2012.
- Mass int he church
- Nógrád folk dance group
- Muzsla folk dance group
- Folk group from Rimóc
- Folk group from Nógrádsipek
- Folk group from Poland
- Folk group from Turkey
- Dancing with the visitors
Hollókőért Közalapítvány
3176 Hollókő Kossuth út 68.
Tel/ Fax: 06/32 579-010, Tel: 06/32 579-011
Detailed programme (in Hungarian)
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