Hungary's Ministry Of Public Administration And Justice Press Release

  • 23 Jul 2012 9:00 AM
Hungary's Ministry Of Public Administration And Justice Press Release
Government Commissioner András Levente Gál met with Hannah Rosenthal, Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism at the US Department of State on Thursday.

"At the meeting, the Government Commissioner informed his US partner that, also with a view to international experiences, consultations had begun concerning the possibility of setting up a monitoring system that is designed to provide an account, that is authentic and factual also by international standards, as to whether there are any anti-Semitic or anti-minority phenomena in Hungary, if so, what the nature of these phenomena is, how society responds to them and what institutional reactions are set in motion.

András Levente Gál also informed the Special Envoy that a committee of historians is being set up whose responsibility it will be to evaluate the history of the Carpathian Basin in the 20th century, with special regard to phenomena and persons related to religious or nationality intolerance.

During the rest of the meeting, the parties conducted a lively exchange on the new National Curriculum.


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