Hungary's Socialists Plan Opposition Talks

  • 17 Dec 2012 8:00 AM
Hungary's Socialists Plan Opposition Talks
The Socialist Party can begin consultations with other opposition groups on constitutional matters in the first week of January, president Attila Mesterhazy told reporters after the party executive met last week.

He said the party had received positive feedback from the eight opposition organisations to which it appealed for co-operation two weeks ago.

Mesterhazy announced in late November that his party would initiate talks with opposition parties with a view to establishing an electoral alliance.

The groups in question are the three founding members of the Together 2014 movement – Patriotism and Progress, Milla, and the Hungarian Solidarity Movement – as well as LMP, the Democratic Coalition, 4K!, the Social Democrat Party and In Alliance Together for Hungary.

Source: Hungary Around the Clock

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