Hungary's Minister Martonyi Condemns Anti-Semitic Atrocity

  • 30 Apr 2013 9:00 AM
Hungary's Minister Martonyi Condemns Anti-Semitic Atrocity
Minister of Foreign Affairs János Martonyi wrote a letter to Chairman of Raoul Wallenberg Association, Ferenc Orosz, in which he has firmly condemned the atrocity the chairman suffered at a football match on Sunday.

Minister Martonyi also recalled the significant role the chairman played as head of the Raoul Wallenberg Association and Chairman of the Raoul Wallenberg Commemorative Committee in the realisation of the 2012 Memorial Year organised by the Government to honour the Swedish diplomat.

For the full text, please click here

Minister Balog also condemns anti-Semitic atrocity

Minister of Human Resources Zoltán Balog has written a letter to Ferenc Orosz, the Chairman of the Raoul Wallenberg Association, condemning the atrocity the Chairman suffered on Sunday at a football match.

For the full text please click here

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Ministry of Human Resources

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