Healthy Hungarian Foods: Székelykáposzta With Turkey By FirstMed
- 11 Sep 2013 9:00 AM
Székely Káposzta with Turkey Recipe:
1 kg Turkey breast (Cut into ½-1’’ cubes)
1,5 kg sauerkraut
1 large onion (finely chopped)
2-3 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons ground red paprika
¼ teaspoon ground pepper
3-4 bay leaves
1 teaspoon ground cumin
(1 teaspoon marjoram – optional)
Lightly sauté the finely chopped onions in olive oil over a medium flame. Briefly remove the pan from the heat to add the cubes of turkey breast, and cook until the turkey whitens. Flavor with paprika, pepper, cumin (add marjoram if you like), and add 4 to 6 cup measures of water to the pan. Cover the dish and cook on low heat for about 45 minutes, stirring frequently and replacing the evaporated water, until you have a thin stew and the meat is semisoft.
After lightly rinsing the sauerkraut and squeezing the excess fluids from it, place it in a deep pot, and stir in the turkey stew. Add bay leaves and enough water to cover the cabbage. Cover pot and stew over a medium-low heat for about 50 minutes, and if you want to end up with a juicier dish, replace the water that is absorbed. When the meat and the sauerkraut have both become soft, add sour cream (or yogurt, as a “light” alternative) to thicken its consistency.
Serve with additional sour cream (or yogurt) according to taste and enjoy!
Did you know?
Cabbage, a cruciferous vegetable, like cauliflowers or brussels sprouts, is a low calorie food rich in fibers and beneficial to the digestive system. Not only does cabbage contain high amounts of C vitamin but it also helps lower cholesterol by purifying your blood and your immune system through its anti-inflammatory properties.
The lactic acid bacteria produced as a side-effect of the fermentation process of transforming cabbage into Sauerkraut, yields additional probiotic advantages, further aiding the healthy digestive process.
By Anna Paksy
Source: FirstMed Centers
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