Hungary's PM Orbán Vows To Keep The Pressure On Big Business

  • 10 Sep 2013 10:00 AM
Hungary's PM Orbán Vows To Keep The Pressure On Big Business
No one will ever again make extra profit at the expense of ordinary people in Hungary, as “the era of colonisation is over,” Prime Minister Viktor Orbán declared in opening the autumn session of Parliament on Monday.

Banks and large companies in a monopolistic position will have to get accustomed to the new situation, he continued, as “until now they were the stronger and the Socialist governments bowed down before their might. But, now we are stronger and they must adjust to Hungarians rather than vice-versa”.

Declaring that utility rate cuts, eliminating foreign-currency mortgages and saving families and homes are a national cause, Orbán said “we are ready to face disputes” as he anticipates further criticisms and attacks over these issues.

Source: Hungary Around the Clock

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