Gala Event: 'Hungary Is A Nation Of Sports & Culture', 1 Dec

  • 10 Nov 2013 8:00 AM
Gala Event: 'Hungary Is A Nation Of Sports & Culture', 1 Dec
The following original Tommy Vig compositions will be premiered by the Budapest Jazz Orchestra and featured artists, dedicated to our 2012 London gold medalists: „FENCE!” to champion Áron Szilágyi, „DONE!” to swimmer Dániel Gyurta, „UNSTOPPABLE!” to swimmer Éva Risztov, „THROW THAT HAMMER!” to Krisztián Pars, „ROW!” to the Dombi-Kökény kayak duet, „GOLDEN GIRL” to kayak champion Danuta Kozák, „MAGYAR POWER!” to gymnast Krisztián Berki, and „WINNING GIRLS” to kayak foursome Krisztina, Katalin, Danuta, and Gabriella

Date and time: Sunday, December 1, 2013 3 pm
Address: 1051 Budapest, Hungary, Zrínyi Street 5.

The event will be introduced by Dr. István Simicskó, Hungarian Minister of Sports.

More info (in Hungarian):

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