Invitation: Ancient History, Atrium Film Theatre Budapest, 23 November
- 9 Nov 2013 8:00 AM
Ruth is watching her friends settle down and start families, but can she and Jack negotiate their own relationship towards marriage?
She is Jewish and he is a lapsed Catholic who scorns religion; she believes in hard work and success; he is a poorly paid teacher who is happy to settle for what he has. He’s definitely not the husband her parents had in mind!
On the evening of her birthday party Ruth proposes and they have some stark truths to face.
Stripped of their illusions and affectations, will this perfect couple accept the sobering truth that there is more that divides, than unites them?
American playwright David Ives presents a funny, yet cautionary tale about relationships and the limits of being charming and clever.
Produced by Budapest Secret Theatre.
Starring Anna Kocsis and Márk Bubnó
Directed by Virginia Proud
Dates: 23 November 19.00 & 5 December 20.00
Venue: Atrium Film-Színház
Address: 1024 Budapest, Margit körút 55.
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