Hungarian MPS Wants To Hear Snowden On NSA Data Collection

  • 22 Jan 2014 8:00 AM
Hungarian MPS Wants To Hear Snowden On NSA Data Collection
A Hungarian parliamentary committee wants to hear former NSA contractor Edward Snowden as a witness in its investigation into US eavesdropping, the committee’s head said on Tuesday. The committee has been set up to examine how data collection by the National Security Agency (NSA) impinged on Hungary and whether there were any international ef forts to gain influence in Hungary.

Deputy head of the committee Gergely Gulyás (ruling Fidesz), proposed that Hungarian and US diplomats, including the incoming US ambassador, should also be heard.

The committee’s head, Máté Kocsis (Fidesz), said the next committee meeting would hear officials overseeing the Hungarian secret services.


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