Hungarian Youth Most Concerned About Uncertainty

  • 4 Feb 2014 8:00 AM
Hungarian Youth Most Concerned About Uncertainty
Young people in Hungary worry most about future uncertainty, job security and a lack of purpose, according to a survey by market research company Kutatópont. The quadrennial Hungarian Youth survey was conducted with a representative sample of 8,000 young people aged 15-29 in 2012.

A quarter of those asked feared unemployment, 22% were worried about job security and 16% about poverty. 75% of respondents said that the economic situation had deteriorated over the past ten years, while just 1% said the opposite.

Fully 58% were pessimistic about the future course of the economy and only 7% expected an improvement. Fifty-one percent of the sample expects their standard of living to further decline while 9% said it would improve.

However, only 17% of respondents were dissatisfied with their current standard of living, 39% were unsure, while 44% were satisfied.


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