Poll Finds Hungary's Majority Against Paks Pact

  • 5 Feb 2014 8:00 AM
Poll Finds Hungary's Majority Against Paks Pact
Most Hungarians, 59%, believe that the expansion of the Paks nuclear power plant should be put to a referendum, according to a survey by pollsters Medián. While 51% are in favour of expanding the plant, 56% do not believe that the work should be carried out by a Russian company and financed by a Russian loan.

A slim majority of Fidesz supporters, 52%, favour the Russian deal, while 38% are against it.

Moreover, 56% agreed that electricity will cost more due to the enormous cost of the expansion, while 35% said the project will lead to lower energy prices.

The results are based on a January 24-28 survey of 1,200 people.

Source: Hungary Around the Clock

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