'There’s An Elephant In Every Room', Jurányi House Budapest, 22 March
- 19 Mar 2014 8:02 AM
What is the goal then? To find the missing gray donkey (or elephant) in this thick fog and catch it among two twinkling, scowling, swallowing, sighing or pouting. Because right now everything could be at the right place. Or maybe not.
Performers: Anna Biczók, Emese Cuhorka, László Fülöp
Choreographer: László Fülöp
Research partner: Luca Hajnóczy
Music: Zoltán Mizsei
Lighting design: Orsolya Pete
The choreographer
László Fülöp was born in Budapest, Hungary, in 1987, and is a contemporary dance choreographer, performer and teacher.
As a creator, his main topic of research is the human being in its own completeness, without ideologies or prejudices: in a simple, pure and personal way. He focuses on the performers’ personalities, and avoids any generalizations, spectacular elements, classical aesthetics of dance, which diverts attention from the performers and simplifies the analyzed phenomena. His works are psychological and sociological studies as well, as he always integrates a psychologist to help him in the research-process.
Focusing on the moving, he is interested in choreographing everyday movements and gestures into dance, experimenting with extreme size, distance and rhythms, movements so fast they’re impossible for the brain to follow, isolation techniques, automatic connections within the body, being out of breath, resting, interdependence, defencelessness and different qualities of contact. He likes using structured improvisation evolving organically and interacting live with the audience, and – to provide a counterpoint – interject idealistic, overcomposed scenes with advertisement-like, heavily overexponated details.
As a freelance performer and co-creater, during the last 5 years he has worked with Ivan Angelus, Vladislava Malá, HODWORKS, Eléonore Valére Lachky, Vicky Shick, Éva Karczag, Klári Pataky Dance Company, Gangray Dance Company, Zoltán Nagy, Viktória Jaross-Giorgi, Eva Duda Dance Company, Finita la Commedia Company. Recently he’s touring with Granhoj Dans Company.
The topic
Social recognition, social influence, self-justification, empathy, aggression, prejudices and fears… We would like to make palpable by physical means all those outer (i.e., socially learned) processes that have an effect on one's desires, self-visualization and values. Our goal is to find out more about nature and motive of inner distortions we create in ourselves; why are our final deeds so far removed from our initial ideas? To what degree can we objectively talk about self-determination and free will? To what degree are we determined by the social medium and the circumstances in which we live?
I am eager to find out through which physical form these conceptions be can visualized - in space, time, dynamics, touches, glances, tones, images and sounds -, seeing them separated from their own natural habitat by having a constant emotional and intellectual distance from them as creators as well as performers. If we can break these giant modules down into pieces, if we can transform them into simple materials, surfaces and energies without judgment and preconceptions, then maybe they become more understandable and we can more easily capture such hiding mechanisms.
Performance starts at 8 pm.
Main supporter: SÍN Culture Center
Supporters: L1 Association, Open Latitudes (3), Ministry of Human Resources Hungary, OFF Alapítvány, Tanec Praha o.s., Papírna Kulturní Centrum, Bora Bora - Dans og visuelt teater (DNA), Schloss Bröllin e.V.
With the support of the Culture Programme of the European Union.
Source: Jurányi Ház
Address: 1027 Budapest, Jurányi u. 1.
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