Government Could Promote Transylvanian Hungarians’ Interests In Brussels

  • 8 Apr 2014 9:00 AM
Government Could Promote Transylvanian Hungarians’ Interests In Brussels
A legitimate, strong government to be formed in Hungary could promote Transylvanian Hungarians’ interests in the region and in Brussels, the head of the Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania (RMDSZ) said on Monday.

Hunor Kelemen said it is a mutual interest that the government should engage in dialogue about the issues concerning Hungarians in the Carpathian Basin with all democratic parties in Hungary, and seek consensus with them.

“The issue of ethnic Hungarians living beyond the borders must not be the subject of division in Hungary,” he said. The most important challenge in the years ahead will be to insert the protection of indigenous minorities into European Union directives, Kelemen added.


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