Hungarian Voter Turnout Considered ‘Not Bad’ In The EU

  • 27 May 2014 9:00 AM
Hungarian Voter Turnout Considered ‘Not Bad’ In The EU
According to some unofficial data, voter turnout in Hungary was lower compared to previous elections, but the overall turnout score was still quite high when compared to other EU members.

Although Hungarians’ enthusiasm has slumped to 29% compared to the 36% result in 2009 and 38.5% in 2004, the voter turnout was considered ‘not bad’ judging by other EU member states.

The record low turnout was in Slovakia (13%); while voters in the Czech Republic (19.5%) and in Poland (22%) also preferred to stay home.

The highest turnout figures were seen in Belgium and Luxemburg (both 90%), and the countries with a turnout greater than 50% were Italy, Malta, Denmark, Sweden, Greece, and Ireland.

Larger member states like Germany, France, and the UK saw an increase in turnout compared to the 2009 results, but still didn’t reach 50%.

The overall turnout across Europe remained stable at 43.1% just like during the 2009 elections.

Source: ORIGO

Words by Tímea Klincsek for

Proofread by Írj Jól Szolgáltató Kft

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