Hungary’s Opposition Not Curbed In Parliament

  • 13 May 2014 9:00 AM
Hungary’s Opposition Not Curbed In Parliament
The opposition’s possibilities will not be curbed under parliament new legislative structure, Gergely Gulyás, head of the new legislative committee, told Magyar Hirlap daily. Last week, parliament adopted a new committee structure which includes a legislative committee: proposals are discussed in the respective committees before being forwarded to the legislative committee, where drafts are finalised and then submitted to the assembly for a plenary vote.

Gulyás told the paper that under the old system almost no preparatory work was done in the various parliamentary committees since, in most cases, bills were submitted by the governing side. Committees did not discuss any amendment proposals and did not have the power to submit any such motions.

The committees had the power solely to state whether a bill could be put to a general debate in parliament, and as such the mechanism was automatic, Gulyás added. Under the new system a session is held each week for interpellations and questions, he said, adding that under new house rules, however, the assembly’s operation would likely prove more efficient if a vote is held bi-monthly.

But parliament will most certainly meet on a weekly basis in this current spring session until the summer, Gulyás told the paper.


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