Xpat Opinion: Hungarian Innovation For A Cleaner Danube
- 5 Jun 2014 9:00 AM
A Hungarian innovation called the “Green Island” looks to change all that. Its part of an initiative of the city to “give the river back to the citizens,” mostly with reconstructions and redesigning public sites on the river.
But it’s more than just renovation. The idea, which has drawn international attention, is simple: a solar energy-based station is established on the Buda bank of the river and provides green services to ships. It takes hazardous waste, like used engine or cooking oil, chemically polluted or waste water, and replaces it with fuel and clean water.
It’s already an improvement that ships don’t just dump their waste into the river, but the real innovation lies in the technology, which meets the highest standards in waste management in Europe. The service center was awarded the “Budapest Márka” (Budapest Brand) title, an award given by the Metropolitan Government of Budapest. Hopefully, we’ll soon see the results and Budapest citizens and visitors will be awarded a cleaner Danube.
By Ferenc Kumin
Source: A Blog About Hungary
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