Hungarian MEP Szanyi Gets Warning From Socialists

  • 16 Oct 2014 9:00 AM
Hungarian MEP Szanyi Gets Warning From Socialists
Tibor Szanyi, an MEP of the oppositions Socialists, apologised on Wednesday for his “careless” approach that “hurt some people’s sensitivity” when he invited far-right bikers to Brussels. Szanyi was slapped on the wrist by his party’s disciplinary committee for hosting members of an organisation called the Goy Motorists.

The disciplinary committee had given Szanyi a warning but did not find him guilty of misconduct because he did not purposely violate the party’s basic rules. He was asked to refrain from similar action in the future, a spokesperson said.

According to press reports, in 2013 Szanyi made a bet with the bikers that if the left lost at the spring parliamentary election, he would invite the bikers to Brussels and pay for their hotel, meals and fuel. In turn if the leftwing won, then the bikers would have to invite Szanyi to dinner.


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MTI photo: Kallos Bea

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