Hungary’s Chief Prosecutor Requests US Information Concerning US Entry Ban

  • 28 Oct 2014 3:00 AM
Hungary’s Chief Prosecutor Requests US Information Concerning US Entry Ban
Péter Polt, Hungary’s chief prosecutor, has appealed to his US counterpart and to the chargé d’affaires of the US embassy in Budapest to receive information concerning the United States’ recent ban on the entry of Hungarian officials. Referring to a Hungary-US crime prevention agreement signed in 2008, Polt asked for “all information which can be disclosed under relevant regulations,” the chief prosecutor’s office said. The prosecutor’s office will take appropriate steps with no delay if the US side provides additional information, the office said.

It noted that the request was not tendered in the form of an appeal for legal aid, as such assistance could only be requested in connection with an actual case.

The prosecutor’s office is not aware of any case which could be directly associated with the US ban, the office added. Hungary’s public prosecutor will “consistently and with all available legal means fight all crimes, including corruption”, it said.


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