Hungarian Demonstrators Acknowledge Withdrawal Of Inter Net Tax

  • 3 Nov 2014 8:00 AM
Hungarian Demonstrators Acknowledge Withdrawal Of Inter Net Tax
The demonstrations against the planned internet tax have been “a victory”, as the economy ministry has taken steps to withdraw the related bill submitted to parliament, organisers said at a gathering on Friday evening in Budapest.

Demonstrators filled József Nádor square near the ministry building, the site of earlier larger demonstrations, and welcomed the withdrawal of the bill.

There was no march held this time, but several speakers addressed the event.

“Prime Minister Viktor Orbán for the first time had to admit that his tax is not supported by the majority of the people,” Balázs Gulyás, the organiser of the Facebook group “One hundred thousand against the internet tax” said.

Károly Füzessy, a student activist, said that their “task” was far from over and added that there was no need for the public debate on the tax flagged by Orbán because that had been done already.

Demonstrations were held in Szeged and Pécs, too, on Friday.


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MTI photo: Marjai János

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