Hungary Hues To European Values, Says PM Orbán Viktor

  • 7 Nov 2014 8:00 AM
Hungary Hues To European Values, Says PM Orbán Viktor
Asked by journalists in Munich about reports indicating increasing anti-Semitism, the curtailment of freedoms and acts against the Roma in Hungary, Viktor Orbán responded that Hungary exercised the principle of “zero tolerance” against any policy that goes against European values, and it does its utmost to eliminate such occurrences.

“We have a nice constitution” with appropriate provisions regulating these issues, Orbán said, adding that growing anti-Semitism threats to freedom were more palpable these days in Western Europe.

“These are unexpected developments; taking action against these developments is a common European task,” he added.

Meanwhile, asked whether the construction of the South Stream gas pipeline was discussed, Seehofer responded as saying that, based on his meeting with Orbán, he sees a definite intention by the Hungarian side to go ahead with the project.

“But as the saying goes in Bavaria ... we’ll see,” he said, adding that as far as he knew, Austria was thinking about the pipeline project. Orbán noted that Austria had in fact signed the contract on South Stream, which means that “the pipe crossing through Hungary will have its terminal in Austria.”


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