Freedom House Ranks Hungary “Free” Democracy In 2015 Report

  • 29 Jan 2015 8:02 AM
Freedom House Ranks Hungary “Free” Democracy In 2015 Report
Hungary remained to be ranked among “free” countries by Freedom House’s latest democracy survey. According to FH’s Freedom in the World 2015 report, Hungary scored 2 for civil liberties for the third consecutive year.

Hungary’s political rights rating declined from 1, the best rank, to 2 “due to an election campaign that demonstrated the diminished space for fair competition given legislative and other advantages accrued by the ruling party,” the FH report said.

It cited Prime Minister Viktor Orbán as saying that a democracy should not necessarily be of a liberal nature. Freedom House in its reports ranks countries with a score of 1-2,5 in the two above categories as free countries.


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Highlights from Freedom House’s annual report on political rights and civil liberties

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