Hungary’s PM Orbán: Economic Migration Must Be Stopped

  • 12 Jan 2015 8:00 AM
Hungary’s PM Orbán: Economic Migration Must Be Stopped
Economic migration is a bad thing and Hungary cannot give refuge to people leaving their homes for economic reasons, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said. Orbán told public television M1 in Paris after attending an anti-terrorism rally that it is now necessary to talk about immigration and related cultural issues more openly, sincerely and in a straightforward manner.

He expressed hope that a composed and calm analysis of recent events will point European leaders and Brussels in the direction of introducing strict policies that restrict immigration in Europe.

“Economic migration is a bad thing in Europe and one should not consider it useful because it will only bring trouble and danger to European people, so immigration must be stopped, this is the Hungarian position,” he said.

Those that leave their countries for political reasons, to save their lives, “should be given what’s due, that is shelter” but Hungary cannot give such refuge to economic migrants, he added.

Compared to other European countries, there are few “people with cultural backgrounds different from ours” in Hungary and these few have mostly fit in well, providing for their own wellbeing, willing to work, with skills and a desire to find their place in Hungarian society.

There is no problem with the minorities that currently live with us and their numbers are not growing at a rate that would “give us a headache,” Orbán said.


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