Orbán: Von der Leyen, Weber Want to 'Topple' Hungarian Government

  • 14 Oct 2024 6:29 AM
Orbán: Von der Leyen, Weber Want to 'Topple' Hungarian Government
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and European People's Party leader Manfred Weber are seeking to "topple the sovereigntist Hungarian government" and replace it with a "Brussels-style administration", Prime Minister Viktor Orbán told public radio in an interview broadcast.

Referring to the recent debate in the European Parliament before which he also briefed MEPs and EU officials about Hungary's EU presidency, Orban said contributors had "ignored the facts, were full of hate, and unbothered about Europe and the European people".

The debate, he added, was directed towards toppling the Hungarian government and replacing it with Klara Dobrev of the European Socialists, while the EPP wanted the Tisza Party and its leader, Peter Magyar, in the government.

It was made clear they wanted this coalition, "and the marriage took place before our eyes", he said.

Both were ready to fulfil Brussels' demands for Hungary to get involved in the war in Ukraine and back its migration policy, which would "let migrants in", scrap family and child protection laws, and also enter economic and trade wars.

Domotor: Magyar's speech at demo 'scandalous, false, unsavoury'

Csaba Domotor, an MEP of ruling Fidesz, said on Friday that citing Hitler and calling employees of the public service media "Hitler's students" at a recent demonstration was "scandalous, false and unsavoury" of Peter Magyar, an MEP and the leader of the opposition Tisza Party.

This kind of a behaviour is going against the EP's rules and is a gross violation of office, he said on Facebook and urged calling back Magyar from the position of vice-president of the Constitutional Committee.

Domotor said that he had sent a letter to Roberta Metsola calling on the EP president "to take the necessary steps".

MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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