Report Envisages Internal Fidesz Coup

  • 5 Jan 2015 8:00 AM
Report Envisages Internal Fidesz Coup
A change of power could occur within Fidesz after German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s visit in February, Népszava reported, citing unnamed party sources. Sources speaking of growing discontent within the party said many are worried that Viktor Orbán is an obstacle to the future of Fidesz.

An increasing number of party officials are growing weary of what they describe as the prime minister’s unpredictable moves and rhetorical ploys.

Fidesz officials consider it conceivable that if the situation does not change, sanctions may be imposed or some EU funds could be suspended, therefore they must act, either to close ranks or get rid of Orbán and his policy.

Gergely Gulyás, Fidesz chairman of Parliament’s legislative committee, told Népszabadság in an interview that there is no reality to the idea.

Source: Hungary Around the Clock

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