Nézőpont Survey Shows Germany As Key Ally
- 2 Feb 2015 4:00 AM
The survey prepared ahead of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s visit to Hungary today shows that 32% of respondents said Germany was Hungary’s number one ally, 7% named Russia and 6% the US.
Poland and Austria were named by 2% each. Nearly two-thirds of respondents said Merkel’s upcoming visit had been a subject they talked about in recent weeks and 22% saw it as a positive development. As many as 52% of the respondents said they support even closer political ties between Germany and Hungary.
Some 27% said no changes were needed in current relations and 4% said they should be less close. Fully 52% of the respondents consider it important to deepen economic ties between the two countries.
Source www.hungarymatters.hu
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