Hungarian Socialist Call On PM To Halt “Hate Campaign Against Refugees”

  • 10 Jun 2015 9:00 AM
Hungarian Socialist Call On PM To Halt “Hate Campaign Against Refugees”
Referring to a government billboard campaign in connection with the issue of migrants, the opposition Socialists have called on Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to halt the 1.5 billion forint (EUR 4.8m) “hate campaign against refugees”. Citing Orbán as saying at the Budapest meeting of the Union of Arab Banks that Hungary is an “open and friendly” country which does not put obstacles before investment, Socialist leader József Tóbiás asked whether the prime minister had been telling the truth.

Noting an opposition-inspired campaign to deface the billboards, he said the civil disobedience movements of recent days had “truly demonstrated that an overwhelming majority of Hungarians reject the xenophobic approach of [ruling] Fidesz and [radical nationalist] Jobbik.”

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MTI photo: Máthé Zoltán

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