Majority Of Hungarians Rather Agree With Anti-Immigration Messages

  • 17 Jun 2015 9:00 AM
Majority Of Hungarians Rather Agree With Anti-Immigration Messages
The majority of Hungarians agree with the messages about migration the Hungarian government has delivered as part of a billboard campaign, think-tank Századvég Foundation said. The controversial anti-immigration posters, however, have triggered harsh reactions from opposition parties and the issue of migration has become the most debated topic in Hungarian media recently.

Fully 59% of Századvég’s sample of 1,000 adults agreed with the statement that if migrants come to Hungary they must not take away jobs from Hungarians while 85% supported the demand that migrants respect Hungarian laws. Further, 77% wanted migrants to respect Hungarian culture, according to the survey carried out last week.

The latter two messages received approval independently of the respondent’s political affiliation, while those rejecting the first message on jobs for the most part identified themselves as left-wing, the think-tank said.

MTI photo: János Marjai


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