Refugees Should Not Be Sent Back To Hungary

  • 26 Jun 2015 9:00 AM
Refugees Should Not Be Sent Back To Hungary
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has written to the presidents of the European Commission and the European Parliament asking that migrants scheduled to be returned to Hungary should be sent back to Greece, PMO Minister János Lázár told his regular Thursday press briefing. He said EU member states want to return 16,000 refugees who first entered the EU in Hungary as a “first step,” but Hungary is not capable of receiving them.

In addition, the cabinet disputes whether these people should be received by Hungary, he continued, as their point of entry into the EU was presumably Greece, and that is where they should be sent.

Lázár said the government will work to have the EU accept that Greece and Serbia – through which refugees reach Hungary – are safe countries, so that refugees can be sent back to them.

He accused “rich Austria and Germany” of “tossing” the problem over to a much poorer EU country, and said this is outrageous.

He added that the country cannot accommodate the 16,000 “mass of migrants” that he said other countries are planning to deport to Hungary.

The Interior Ministry calculates that the 16,000 could turn into 200,000 over the next six months, Lázár told reporters.

Illegal border crossing and Hungary’s planned fence along the border are expected to be the most important questions at the joint meeting of the Serb and Hungarian cabinets on July 1, he said.

Source: Hungary Around the Clock

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MTI photo: Máthé Zoltán

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