One Should Enter Hungary Through Door, Not Wall

  • 22 Jul 2015 9:00 AM
One Should Enter Hungary Through Door, Not Wall
“One should enter Hungary through the door, not through the wall,” government office chief János Lázár said in reference to the fence the government is building along the Hungarian-Serbian border. Over the past few months, more illegal immigrants entered Europe through the Balkan Peninsula than through Italy, from the Mediterranean Sea, Lázár told a regular government press briefing, adding that Hungary has become the country “most exposed” to illegal immigration.

Lázár said European countries that have implemented a border closure have managed to reduce human smuggling flows by up to 90%, adding that the fight against human smuggling can only be successful if Hungary, Austria, Germany, Macedonia and other Balkan countries work together.

The government office chief reiterated that the government was committed to making illegal migration a criminal offense.

Source - Visit Hungary Matters to sign-up for MTI’s twice-daily newsletter.

MTI photo: Szigetváry Zsolt

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